wglDeleteContext failedFCannot delete rendering context. It is still in use by another thread.OpenGL32.dll GLU32.dllUnable to init OLE objects!FTKADaoTable.F_Set_Database: Cannot set Database while Table is Active!HTKADaoTable.F_Set_TableName: Cannot set TableName while Table is active!HTKADaoTable.F_Set_IndexName: Indexes can be set only on Standard Tables!HTKADaoTable.F_Set_TableType: Cannot set TableType while Table is active!FTKADaoTable.F_Set_LockType: Cannot set LockType while Table is active!7TKADaoTable.OpenDaoRecordset: Missing Database PropertyQTKADaoTable.OpenDaoRecordset: Missing TableName or QueryDefName, or SQL is empty!7TKADaoTable.OpenDaoRecordset: Database is NOT connectedJTKADaoTable.OpenDaoRecordset: DynamicTables are for ODBC connections only!hTKADaoTable.OpenDaoRecordset: Invalid number of QueryDef parameters or parameter is not in valid format!LTKADaoTable.InternalGotoBookmark: Cannot goto Bookmark - Table is not Active